Map of UK sport climbing locations

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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Sport climbing locations in the UK

Hello!  I love sport climbing (that is - climbing with a rope on bolted routes).  

I can't trad climb (that is - where instead of using bolts you have to place your own protection on the rock). I have no pressing desire to learn how to do it or to acquire the necessary gear.

Before going on a mountain biking trip to Wales I noticed the area was known for rock climbing, so I tried to find out if there was any suitable sport climbing there.  I thought the internet would come to the rescue but it was surprisingly difficult to find this out.  It seemed necessary to delve into the detail of various web resources to filter out the trad climbing locations, and if I did find reference to a sport climbing location it was difficult to place it without knowledge of the local geography.

However I took all my kit anyway and hoped to find something once we were there.  Eventually, on our final day and after what had looked like becoming a wild goose chase and a wasted day, a helpful assistant in an outdoor shop told us where the bolted routes were (and I was happy to buy the relevant guide book from them too).  We were fortunate to be able to enjoy a great afternoon climbing in the Llanberis slate quarries, but I couldn't help thinking it was odd that there wasn't an easier way to get the information we wanted.  
So I decided to create this website.  

I've just set it up and hope to add more locations and information to the map, so please let me know if there's any locations I can add, or if you have any suggestions for the website.

Happy climbing!
